5 Things You Should Know About Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is rarely anyone’s first choice when trying to cope with overwhelming debt. Learn more about bankruptcy, what it means, and if it might be right for you.
Do I Have Too Much Debt?
Whether or not you have too much debt is not always easily determined. Learn some common warning signs indicating you are in financial trouble, and what to do about them.
3 Simple Ways to Stay Debt Free All Year
Learn how to set up a simple strategy that will help you stay debt free all year. Stop spending. Start getting ahead.
8 Ways to Make the Most Out of a Reduced Paycheck
Bubbles burst, the economy falters, companies downsize, and personal disasters happen which can result in a reduced paycheck. Here are some things you can do if you find yourself living with less.
Learn How to Prioritize Your Bills
If you’re experiencing financial hardship and are having trouble paying all of your bills, it’s probably time for some strategic planning. Learn how to prioritize your bills, set up payment agreements, and other resources.
How Financial Stress Affects Your Health
Money may not buy you happiness, but studies show that your relationship with it impacts your health. Learn how financial stress can affect your physical and mental health, and what you can do about it.
16 Things Debt Collectors Can’t Do
If your debt has been transferred to a collections agency, the agency has the right to collect. But that doesn’t mean that they can do anything and everything to take what you owe.
8 Easy Ways to Get Out of Credit Card Debt
Credit cards can give you freedom, but they can also give you debt if you’re not careful. If you’ve gotten lost in finance purgatory, here are 8 things you can do to help get you out.
How to Negotiate with Collections Agencies
Most people will avoid talking to a collection agency. It can seem scary, intimidating, and like a fighting a losing battle. Believe it or not, though, it’s possible to negotiate with a collection agent and end up paying less than you owe.
How to Pay Off Medical Debt
Medical bills can be a source of financial frustration for a lot of people. Don’t worry, though! There are ways you can make paying your bills more manageable.
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6 Simple Tips to Rebuild Credit
Not happy with your credit score? You’re not alone. A lot of people have to rebuild their credit at some point in their life. Here are 6 simple things you can do to get back on track.
How to Jump Start Your Emergency Fund
Life happens. An emergency fund is a good way to prepare for unexpected events by giving you a financial cushion to handle emergencies without going into debt.
Understanding Debt Consolidation
Is it time to consolidate your debt? Learn more about the different strategies and find out which one is right for you.
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