Will & Kristin, proud senior dog parents.
Putting them first since 2005.


Giving you the tools you need

HomeAdvantage™ is a free service available to members. Our Partnership with CU Realty lets you search for and save on your next home, or sell your current property.


Home Advantage Logo


Whether you're searching for a home, looking for a home loan, or trying to sell your current home, HomeAdvantage™1 simplifies the process, saving you time and money. SF Fire Credit Union's partnership with CU Realty allows us to offer this service for free to our members.

HomeAdvantage is completely free to our members, and is a great resource if you're buying or selling a home.

HomeAdvantage™ lets you:


Search for homes on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for free, and find the home that fits your needs.


Save your favorite searches and get email updates when new listings become available.


Easily research comparable properties.


Connect with a trusted real estate agent. Choose an agent from a network of experienced, hand-picked real estate agents ready to help you buy or sell.


Members who work with an agent in our network earn an average of $1,500 back in savings. These rebates can be used to reduce closing costs, reduce agent commissions, or be taken as cash back.


The HomeAdvantage Member Service Team is available seven days a week to answer your questions. They're just a call or click away

Discover More

Kundan, Bay Area artist.
Putting her first since 2016.

Say goodbye to credit card fees

Get the card that cuts out fees while giving you rewards, overdraft protection, and lower rates.

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Kundan, Bay Area artist.
Putting her first since 2016.
Bringing joy through giving.
Putting their family first since 2009.

Refinance without the hassle

Get a great deal with our low-fee, easy refinancing options. Find out how today.

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Bringing joy through giving.
Putting their family first since 2009.

Let's Talk

As a local credit union, we measure our success one member at a time. We want to get to know you and help you achieve your goals. Come into a branch or call us today. Our people are happy to serve you.


(415) 674-4800
(888) 499-FIRE (3473)
Mon – Fri 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sat 9:00AM - 5:00PM


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Branch hours
Mon – Fri 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

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The HomeAdvantage program is made available to your through a relationship between your credit union and CU Realty Services. Program rebates are awarded by CU Realty Services to buyers and sellers who select and use a real estate agent in the HomeAdvantage network. Home buyers or sellers are not eligible for a rebate if they use an agent outside this network. Using your credit union for a mortgage is not a requirement to earn a rebate. Rebate amounts are dependent on the commissions paid to the agent. Your credit union may have specific rules on how your rebate will be paid out. Rebate incentives are available in most states; however, are void where prohibited by law or by the lender. Please consult with your credit union to get details that may affect you.
Rebate examples shown are based on a 3% agent commission rate. Since agent commissions vary, your actual rebate may vary accordingly